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Pay Per View (PPV) Videos

Welcome to our Cowboy Dressage Pay Per View page.

Please scroll down to see Eitan’s videos.

We include the length and price of each video in the description below.

“Poetry in Motion – Understanding the Horse From the Inside Out”

There are videos and then there are videos and I have seen hundreds of them, but none like this one.  If you would like to ride a better horse, here is the place to start. Step by step with the best horseman I know. It’s the best investment in the horse industry. You can’t show me a video comparable.”…. Jack Brainard ”

Eitan has produced and narrated a new video that is a work of art, but, more important, a work of tremendous value to any rider. Beautifully illustrated with videography and animation, this video will help any serious rider, regardless of whether they are expert or relatively novice, to understand how they can get the most out of their mount”…. Robert M Miller DVM

The only thing that is better than Eitan’s Book  COWBOY DRESSAGE  “Understanding Horsemanship From the Inside Out” is his DVD video “POETRY IN MOTION, Understanding the Horse From the Inside Out”. . .

Both accomplish the same goal.  They give horseman an ANATOMIC understanding of why and how horses move as they do.   This is too often a neglected aspect of horsemanship, but one which the true master MUST understand in order to obtain optimum performance.  Eitan does this and now he shares it with all of us.  ~Robert M Miller DVM

Pay Per View is $7.00.
Total time 1:12:21

Striving for Straightness On the Cowboy Dressage Challenge Court

For the Cowboy Dressage rider both old and new riding a straight line can be challenging. The straight line is the first and last impression that we make before we salute the judge at the beginning and end of our test. Finding the midline and sticking to it is the key to making the right impression and getting that perfect 10.

In this short video we will explore how the Cowboy Dressage Challenge court can help both horse and rider to find their center. We use small circles to help the horse strengthen and supple one side at a time to become straight as he travels. The Challenge court provides several opportunities for riding straight lines and all of those lines are demonstrated by horse and rider as well as through helpful diagrams. We will discuss simple changes that can make a big difference to your success finding the line of travel on the court. So, saddle up and join us on the Challenge Court as we learn to travel the straight and narrow path!

Pay Per View is $7.00.
Total time 36:07

Understanding the Cowboy Dressage Court
Simple and Rider Friendly

Do you want to understand the beauty, reasoning and use of the newly designed Cowboy Dressage Court? Do you want to find out why it is so innovative and western rider and horse friendly? This DVD with diagrams and actual tests will show you what makes this court so simple and fun. Not only is the court designed specifically for today’s western horse it builds and trains the horse as you ride the tests and court.

The old world history of the Dressage Court and today’s Cowboy Dressage Court has been intertwined creating a new Western Division based on the foundation of Dressage but not ruled by it. The Cowboy Dressage Court is where the freedom and the partnership of the western horse and rider are expressed.

If you want to show Cowboy Dressage this DVD will enhance your ride and understanding of Cowboy Dressage. The tests are full of gymnastic exercises, transitions, and gaits that will build your western horse within the traditions of Western Horsemanship and Lifestyle.

As a bonus Eitan and Santa Fe Renegade do what they do best… entertain!

Pay Per View is $10.00.
Total time 33:16

The Cowboy Dressage Horse is Defined by His Gaits

Walk, Jog, Lope and become a Cowboy Dressage Rider

The Cowboy Dressage horse is not a dressage horse. He is first and foremost a Western horse in conformation, movement and temperament that is enhanced by the foundation of dressage, not ruled by it.

This DVD clearly explains the 3 natural gaits of the Cowboy Dressage Western Horse. Eitan uses animation and actual tests to show and explain the needed movements, balance, carriage, cadence and frames that are desired in Cowboy Dressage.

This DVD is not just for Cowboy Dressage riders. Anyone who rides and wishes to learn more about equine movement will greatly benefit from this DVD.

Pay Per View is $10.00.
Total time 25:50

Cowboy Dressage, “Dances With Cows”

Eitan feels this is his most beautiful video to date. This video is not a training video but an entertainment video. If you enjoyed The Best of Cowboy Dressage, “The Music and the Magic” you will love “Dances With Cows.” This beautiful Wolf Creek Ranch production is “eye candy” for any horse lover. This new production highlights Eitan’s best performances with Holiday Compadre and Golden Warrior. From “spotlight performances to working with cattle in Upton, Wyoming” this video is a visual equine masterpiece.

“If you enjoy seeing magnificent horses and superb horsemanship, beautiful scenery, and listening to great music, get Wolf Creek Ranch’s DVD DANCES WITH COWS, this is not another ” How to Video”. It is an inspiring visual experience you will want to watch again and again. ~Dr. Robert Miller

Pay Per View is $3.00.
Total time 24:54 minutes

Cowboy Dressage, “In the Beginning”

Oklahoma city 1993 – Cowboy Dressage Born in the USA.

Pay Per View is $3.00.
Total time 9:48 minutes

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